Monday, April 23, 2012

Soda Pop Of Color

Oh….see what I did there?  With that title?  I should be the writer for the “Before and After” category on Wheel of Fortune.  Snap.

Anyway…I just wanted to share with you guys a little teeny weeny décor fun that I will give full props to my husband for.  One night…about a month ago…he brought us home some sandwiches with glass soda bottles.  As simple as he is (not in an insulting way…he just likes the easy life…does not need anything fancy) he has a passion for retro stuff.  He wouldn’t call it a passion per se…but everytime he sees an old fashioned ANYTHING….he thinks it’s the coolest thing in the world.  SO he saw them selling Coke out of glass bottles and snagged 2 of them with straws.  I didn’t have the heart to tell him that they sell those in the grocery store.  He’s just too cute when he’s excited.

Anyway….again…after dinner he said “You should totally keep these and spray paint them or something.  You know…make some kind of decoration out of them.”  I laughed and said “that’s a good idea!” (and although I was thinking the same thing…it will forever be known in this house as his idea….I’ll give it to him.  Again…so darn cute when he’s excited.)  So since Mr. Jagger’s 2nd birthday party was this weekend and it was all about color (more on that later in the week!) I decided that now was the perfect time to get some color on these baby’s.  In true Lani fashion…no before’s were taken.  But it was a Coke bottle and a Fanta bottle.


I love it!!  It’s so sweet!  I sprayed them in Rustoleum’s “Green Apple” in Satin.  Just the right green.  It’s funny because I was debating between a lime green and this soft green and I asked Hunter to choose.  I can’t imagine going with that super bright green now.  That kids got a good eye for color!  Winking smile


And I just love the way they look with the ranunculus flowers I picked up.  So sweet.  I think ranunculus are my new favorite flowers.  Mostly because I like to say that the “ranunculus look redonkulous!!!” and laugh maniacally.  Because I’m dumb like that


Love this.  So sweet!  Can’t wait to show you the party later this week!

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