Monday, February 18, 2013

DIY Chore Chart

Santa started quite the Skylanders craze in our house. Will couldn’t be happier, and is now addicted to these things! Seriously, he talks in his sleep about Skylanders.
Since Hubby & I are just a smidge smarter than a 3 year old, we decided that maybe we should use his Skylanders addiction to our advantage. Thus the Kiddo Chore Chart was born!
Chore Chart-001
I cruised Pinterest for some inspiration, but I couldn’t find anything that quite fit the bill. Hubby & I agreed that it needed to be colorful, fun, and needed to have some kind of moving component.

Here’s what I used:
  • Magnetic White Board (I had this over my desk & wasn’t using it.) – $8.94
  • Metal Spiderman Bucket (from the $1 bin) – $1
  • 3M Command Hook & Velcro Strip (I always have these around the house) – $3.94 for 2 pack
  • Square Glass Magnets from Staples – $1 for each 6 pack, need 2 packs
  • Pack of Dry Erase Markers – $7
  • Mod Podge
I had everything except the magnets & dry erase markers on hand, so I spent $10 out of pocket. If you needed to buy everything, you’re barely over $20. Not too shabby!

First I used the velcro strip thingys and the hook to hang the board & bucket on the wall. I made sure to do it at 3-year-old height, since Will would be the one moving the magnets.
I am on a gold spray kick, so I taped off the inside of the Spiderman bucket and took it outside for a makeover…
DSC01501After a few light coats of primer and gold spray paint, we were in business. I also sprayed the base of my hurricane while I was at it. I was tired of it being black… the gold is FAB!

photo 1 (4)
Next, it was time to work on the magnets.
We brainstormed for quite a while for some “chores” Will could do. The key is to keep it simple. He’s only 3. So part of the strategy of this Chore Chart is for Will to willingly do everyday tasks without incident.
  • Brush Your Teeth
  • Get Dressed
  • Help Clean Up The House – This is just what ever I ask him to help me with. Put the utensils away from the dishwasher, help sort the laundry & load it in the washer, etc.
  • Clean Up Your Room
  • Learning – more on this in a minute.
I just used some cute clipart I found on Word and online. I sized them up so they were a tad smaller than the magnets and printed them out on our regular ol’ inkjet printer, on regular ol’ printer paper.
Now that they’re all cut, I placed them on the magnet squares and used a little paint brush to brush on some Mod Podge.
I made sure to Mod Podge the edges well because if a little edge is lifted, someone’s little fingers will find it and peel it. It dries clear, so there’s no need to worry about it looking a little messy.
While the Mod Podge dried, it was time to jazz up the dry erase board:
Now we are in business:
Once it was all installed & ready to go, Hubby sat down and explained how this system works. Will was just a little excited. Winking smile
DSC01516  DSC01518
Here’s how it works:
Every day Will brushes his teeth (or Mom or Dad brush his teeth), and it is a nice & easy experience, Will gets to move his magnet up one square. The same goes for Will getting dressed by himself and cleaning up the toys in his room. Of course, there’s still drama while doing these chores, but typically, he gets one warning like “if you don’t do this nicely, you don’t get to move your magnet”. Sometimes that is a nice reminder and he changes his attitude, and sometimes he doesn’t. It’s a bummer when he doesn’t get to move the magnet up, but that’s life. We don’t make a big deal about it or yell about it. We just remind him that that’s not how you behave, you don’t get to move it, so you’ll have to try and do better next time.

The “Helping Around the House” and “Learning” magnets work a little differently. Those aren’t necessarily on an everyday basis, but maybe every other day or so.
He has happily helped put away the utensils from the dishwasher:
photo 3 (2)I’ve also had him help me separate the laundry, put the clothes in the basket, and load it into the washer. He also helps put his clean clothes away in his drawers. My favorite part of this particular task is that he’s asked “Mom, are there any chores I can help you with?”. Be still my heart.

The “Learning” magnet is exactly that. He’ll be 4 in a few short weeks, so we figured we needed to work on some pre-kindergarten basics. We’ve worked on writing and recognizing letters:
photo 5 (2)Since Will isn’t much of a color-er, we vary the learning to other things like puzzles, counting & organizing coins or berries, and other hand-eye coordination skills. It’s also a tv-off, quality time activity, too. Bonus points all around.

DSC01521Once he’s moved the chore magnet to the top, he can take a Skylander magnet out of the bucket and put it in the spikey bubble. 5 Skylanders in the spikey bubbles = a new Skylander!
DSC01525The Skylander magnets are just Skylander stickers that came with some of the Skylanders he got for Christmas. Major bonus that they were just the right size for these magnets.

I make sure to put the Chore Chart in a prime location:
After a about a week and a half of hard work, Will earned his first reward:
photo 2I think he’s excited… Smile

Do you have a Chore Chart for your munchkin? Do you have any ideas for other types of chores a 3 or 4 year old can do? I’d love to hear, and maybe even use them to evolve our Chore Chart. It’s always good to mix things up!



  1. Love this idea! We are so not there yet though.

  2. I love it!! This is definitely getting pinned!

  3. Very cute! Here's a tip for your pre-pre-K munchkin - there are specially made triangular fat crayons and pencils meant for his stage of fine motor skill development (sorry, elementary school teacher here!). If you google "triangular pencils for children" a million come up. Bonus: They don't roll off the writing surface on to the floor. The right tools may get him more interested in coloring!


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