Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two become One

I don’t really understand how I don’t have pictures of my kids rooms.  Most people…most NORMAL people…take such pride in their kids nurseries and take a gazillion pics.  How do I have NONE???  I don’t really get it.  Well…this is what I could find in the ways of Hunter’s nursery..


I know I know….horrible right???  But you can kinda see the paint job, that we have a crib, a highboy dresser next to it, and a shelf/changing table piece.  I am awful!!!  Wednesday resolution…take better before pictures.  And how the heck aam I that skinny at 6 months out with Hunter but still a chubbo 2 years out with Jagger?  Another Wednesday resolution…start getting in shape…it’s about damn time woman.

So we’ve now decided that it’s about time our boys shared a room and that Hunter’s room become an office/guest room.  Right now I do all my sewing on the kitchen table…which is just annoying and awful, and Craig has a teeny tiny corner in the basement for his desk.  It’s pretty inefficient and awful.  Oh and when guests come we have to bunk the boys together anyway.  So when my parents came just recently and we had to bunk the boys…we decided to just move Hunter’s bed into Jagger’s room…and never move it back!  And yes…I don’t have a before picture of Jagger’s room either.  WHAT KIND OF A MOTHER AM I!!!!!!  jeez…

And I didn’t really realize what a task this would be….



Notice how close the crib comes to the walls?  That’s because we didn’t realize how HUGE this crib was.  It was put together in the room and we haven’t moved it for 4 years….so…again…bigger task than we thought…


Best course of action…take the door off Jaggers room!


This turned out to be simpler than we thought.  Bang a few pins out of the hinges and voila!!  But the thing you have to always remind Sonny….DON’T FORCE IT.  When we went to take it out it got just a little stuck…and my husband thinks that forcing things a little always gets the job done.  I had visions in my head of him ripping out the hinge from the frame, or bending it so that we couldn’t get the door back on.  So while these pics were being snapped there was a lot of verbal snapping as well…


Door off, crib slid in…and now we are in limbo!  Ha!  We are currently in the process of switching out furniture (Hunter’s is 100% nicer than Jagger’s so we are going to use Jagger’s in the office or in other places in the house), creating more closet space, and making this room truly THEIRS.  I’m excited!  I eventually want them to have 2 twin beds, but being that Jagger hasn’t tried once to crawl out of his crib, I have no intentions of forcing him into a bed he can easily get out of.  So we are going to attempt to have 2 cribs/toddler beds in this room for now…then upgrade it down the road.  But I have big plans for this room.  I want to make bedding, do new curtains, organize their closet…I’ll have to come up with a to do list and I’ll share that on here with you all.

New projects are a flurry in this house!!  I’m going to snap some “now” pics today so that I can really show you guys the room and we can all see how it transforms! 

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