The tile is DONZO! So that also means good news for you….it means last and final annoying tile post!! Woot! Margaritas for everyone! SO we left off here, with having just laid the last of the tile
Ah…still a lovely pic every time I look at it (eye roll barf face anything that says I’m totally being sarcastic). Anyway, so my dad and I were eager to get the grout rolling, especially him because he was leaving 2 days later and wanted to just relax! I don’t blame him…he comes to visit his grandkids and I throw tile at him.
I don’t know how other’s do it…but in an all white (or off white) room…I had the hardest time getting my white balance just right. So forgive the off pics….
Anyway..the grouting probably took us a good hour…maybe a little more. It’s a small space so it wasn’t crazy hard, but it was really only a one man job…so I just watched while my dad quite literally broke his back. Oh man were we all sore after this job. My back still isn’t right!
Now I do have to be honest and say that I made one rookie mistake. I had grout on hand from another thing I did…and since I got white tile, and had white grout…I figure it’s all good right? WRONG. The grout is a bit whiter that the white tile…which makes the tile now a bit…pinky? Beige actually. It’s not crazy noticible, in fact….in the daytime it all just looks pretty and white. It’s when the lights come on that I can see the tint. Hopefully once the walls and cabinets get painted and the lighting gets changed it will all work itself out. But I still love it!! Now we’re really on a roll with everything and I can’t wait to do more to this bathroom!
Love it!