As Lani told you yesterday, she got the hair up her butt to rearrange her entire living room one afternoon... What rearranging scheme doesn't start with a Skype video chat? Oh, no? They don't? Well, this one did. And only the good ones do. So those of you that just do it by yourself are totally missing out. Anyways...while texting about this possible scheme, it got a lot less confusing when we decided a video chat about it.
And then Will & I got to chat with Hunter, happily eating his jelly sandwich, while Lani did the dirty work. Good thing I'm sneaky & took some screen shots of the action. Now you can see how this awesomeness:
And then Will & I got to chat with Hunter, happily eating his jelly sandwich, while Lani did the dirty work. Good thing I'm sneaky & took some screen shots of the action. Now you can see how this awesomeness:
came to life. Really? That looks so awesome. I'm so proud of her light and bright living room. I wish I could separate my sectional because all the cool kids are doing it. Sadly, ours isn't finished in the hook-up meeting spot like Lani's fancy schmancy sectional is. And...we don't really have any other choice in our furniture layout... Wah. Wah.

Uh, just push it! Push it good!
mmmmm...Jelly sandwich...
Someone was a little happy with herself... A little happy hoedown dance was definitely in order.
Hunter thinks his mom is incredibly hilarious. That, and I think both him and Will were yelling for "Toodles" while Lani was working... maybe Toodles could've brought a Handy Crane or a giant elephant to help Lani move some furniture. But nooooooooooo... Toodles is never there when you need him. He's like a cop.
Pepper was there too! Will was worried Pepper wasn't around to witness the awesomeness that is furniture rearranging, so he had to take role. Your welcome, Pepper.
And that concludes our exciting afternoon of furniture rearranging. Both the act and the moral support of the act. All great home improvements need to have some moral support... from your 3 year old, from your dog, and of course via Skype! We need all the help we can get!
And that concludes our exciting afternoon of furniture rearranging. Both the act and the moral support of the act. All great home improvements need to have some moral support... from your 3 year old, from your dog, and of course via Skype! We need all the help we can get!
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