A few moons (I would say many moons ago, but that just makes me feel old and I don't like to torture myself...so it's just a few moons.) ago, I did a great job at my old apartment with weeding and planting in the tiny little "backyard" - it was a 8'x4' strip of grass with about the same size space of concrete. But sadly here in SoCal, that's actually considered a yard. I even put together cute little flower/tree arrangements in some big clay pots, all on a super awesome Ikea budget. I think I got 2 big pots and 2 little trees, and then went to Home Depot for some gerbera daisies and soil. Voila! Lovely, low budget, easily maintained plant life for your backyard/patio.
Then Hubby & I got engaged. I moved back in with my parents so we could save money for our fab wedding. I was too busy working & planning a wedding to keep anything alive. Ah...the good ol' single days.... My mom turned my barely alive "money tree" (picture to the right) into a thriving, super green tree. It's probably because she has more money than me....they say that a money tree reflects your financial situation... I've killed 2 since then. Could be why I only have $12 in my wallet. But really? It's because it's brighter in my mom's kitchen than anywhere in my old apartment. Plants need sunlight... who knew?
Oh wait... there's only one in that pic. Oh well, trust me. There are 2. Being the great gardener I am, I've found that Ikea plants are hard to kill... They need to be watered maybe once a month. Perfect timing for when I actually walk by for the 5 millionth time and go "Oh crap! I should probably water that!". Then when it starts to look a little droopy, I put it on my sunny kitchen window sill for a day or two. Ta-Da! Perky again! Not to mention they're easy on the bank account at a buck or two each.
After our quick little romp to Vegas, we stopped at our friend's new pad. We had to drop her off, & of course Lani & I needed to thoroughly investigate her new pad & improvements. We drooled over her fabulous new throw pillows, perfect shade of slate blue/gray on her bedroom walls, and new kitchen cabinets. Seriously, I was already making plans for her guest room (my future bedroom) and her office (Will's new room), or maybe scouring her neighborhood for a similar setup for... $12? That's all I've got! Anyways...upon investigating her lovely backyard, I noticed her basil plant as the centerpiece on her cute picnic table. The next day, I was at Henry's, and guess what I picked up! I'm so original... But at $2.99, I couldn't pass it up.
After about a week, it looked like this:
After our quick little romp to Vegas, we stopped at our friend's new pad. We had to drop her off, & of course Lani & I needed to thoroughly investigate her new pad & improvements. We drooled over her fabulous new throw pillows, perfect shade of slate blue/gray on her bedroom walls, and new kitchen cabinets. Seriously, I was already making plans for her guest room (my future bedroom) and her office (Will's new room), or maybe scouring her neighborhood for a similar setup for... $12? That's all I've got! Anyways...upon investigating her lovely backyard, I noticed her basil plant as the centerpiece on her cute picnic table. The next day, I was at Henry's, and guess what I picked up! I'm so original... But at $2.99, I couldn't pass it up.
After about a week, it looked like this:
Yeah... I followed the directions it came with: 1/2" of water in a larger container with indirect sunlight. I even gave it daily doses of "Yeah! Basil! WOOO! You grow, girl!". Hubby looked at me like I was crazy, but I heard him whispering sweet nothings to her... Despite my best efforts, and a last ditch one to spruce her up by putting her outside with lots of sunshine and lots of water, she kicked the can. It was a sad day...
Until Will and I picked this up that after noon:
Until Will and I picked this up that after noon:
Really? At $2.99 a pop, it's not a huge loss. And so far, this one is still alive! I even see new buds coming in! I've been keeping her on the window sill in the kitchen with lots of water. She was outside for a bit at first, maybe that was a good jump start after being in a store...? I don't know. I've been debating on getting a little window box for a herb garden, but maybe I'll see how I do with Round 2 of the basil before get plant crazy...
Are you a grower or a killer? Any tips to help me and my awesome black thumb skills? Or any hearty, hard to kill plants? Do tell!
Are you a grower or a killer? Any tips to help me and my awesome black thumb skills? Or any hearty, hard to kill plants? Do tell!
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