Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

Before I show y'all the birthday bash we had over the weekend, I thought I'd share one of the biggest hits of the party.  I saw these on Martha's website about a year ago and never really ever got around to making them.  Since I love me some lemon curd (which you can see here) and had just made a big batch....Jagger's party was the perfect time to make these.  Not to mention the fact that I found these ADORABLE flower cupcake liners that fit in perfectly with his woodland themed party.  These were the perfect amount of tart and sweet, and I loved that little cloud of soft meringue on top.  Also the perfect little sweet with a little cup of coffee while blogging.....hang on....have to take a bite...

I didn't have a kitchen torch like Martha suggested....but I found that placing them under the broiler with a watchful eye produced a nice browning on the meringues.  Here's a few more shots of the treats we had.  Tomorrow I'll tell you all about the wonderful ONE-derland of fun for my little guy!!

{Owl brownie pops}

{Maple Bacon Cupcakes}

{Mini Apple Pies}


  1. Those are too cute!! I love a good meringue!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friday.

    Oh, and if you haven’t done so already - don’t forget to pop on over to Little Brick Ranch to enter the Joey Totes Earth Day GIVEAWAY!!!

    **Bloggy Tip of The Day - Make sure you have an email address associated with your profile to make it easier for people to reply to your comments!! :) **

  2. love those lemon meringue cupcakes they look so delicious


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