Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cleaning up with Craigslist

Oh I'm totally hooked!  So I've told you all about my Craigslist buying addiction here, and I just SOLD my first thing on that wonderful website yesterday!  And now I'm hooked.  I'm selling everything.  Get it out.  Well...not yet.  But it was so painless and easy, I almost felt bad for taking those nice peoples money.....almost!  Craigslist is totally going to me my ultimate Spring Cleaning tool this year to de-clutter and get my house super organized and pulled together.

We've had this kitchen cart for as long as I've been in NJ.  Actually, Sonny had it before I came.  We were never using it for its true potential, and it was really just a junk drawer and a place to put all my cookbooks and magazines and general craziness.  You'd think that extra storage would be a good thing, but not in this case.  It wasn't right for our space.  It was sitting at this really horrible place next to the end of our kitchen cabinet run, and just a few inches away from our too big kitchen table (which I'm replacing soon!!!  Post to come!!), so I kept bumping into it when trying to sit at our kitchen table.  Imagine how many times I'm at that place during the day...putting 2 kids there at least 3 times a day for meals, possibly plus 2 more for snacks, since Sonny comes home late we eat dinner separately so there's another, and if we do any projects at the table there's another.  so average 7 times a day I'm wiggling around this stupid kitchen cart that we never use except to hold junk.  Yesterday I had enough and just put it up on Craigslist to see what would happen.

No joke, an hour later I got a response, and she came at 7 last night to pick up.  After 5 years, 5-7 times a day bumping into this thing....I got rid of it in 8 hours and made $85.  CAH-RAZY!  Why did I not do this sooner???  My life seems at peace now, as when I sat down to dinner I could maneuver slightly easier in that space.  Only slightly because that table is still too big.

{Look how much more room between the bench and the wall!!}

So now my kitchen feels so open, so free, so new!  And I've got $85 in my pocket that I'm saving up for Vegas (hoping to double down and turn that into $170..or more!!!).  But now I have this pile of junk to deal with.....(sigh).  Wonder if people want old cookbooks or magazines on Craigslist?

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