Thursday, July 9, 2009

Did my diaper bag get smaller?

How is it that the more I get the hang of this whole mom thing, the more stuff I seem to need to cram into my diaper bag? I just restocked it with diapers, extra clothing, bottles, an extra blanket and burp cloth and it is bulging at the seams.

I have to admit that I have forgotten the diaper bag once. I went to my parents' house really quick and ended up having to change WEB's diaper and entire outfit because his diaper leaked poop all over it. So I brought the diaper bag into the house when I was planning on just leaving it in the car. Then I had to leave really quickly with WEB in tow to meet some girlfriends for lunch. I left the house, still thinking the diaper bag was in the car since that was my original plan. After I parked and was unloading the stroller, I asked my sister to grab my brown bag in the back seat. She said she couldn't find it. I went to go look and smacked my forehead. Duh! I left it at the house! Now I'm 20 minutes away without any backups. No extra diapers or wipes. No extra clothes or blankets or burp cloths. Nada. Not to mention that my wallet with my money and driver's license were also in the bag...It's a good thing that I had my sister with me so she could at least pick up the tab. he he...

Maybe I'm channeling my inner Monica Gellar (or Bing) because here is a list of what's in my diaper bag "just in case":
- 5 diapers
- large pack of wipes
- burp cloths
- bibs
- rattle
- butt paste
- baby sunscreen
- extra onesie
- extra pants
- extra jacket
- extra socks
- extra blanket
- hat
- beanie
- nail clippers
- tweezers
- plastic bags for soiled clothes
- Vaseline
- Baby Tylenol
- Tide-to-go pen
- plus mystuff: wallet, keys, sunglasses, energy bar, chapstick, lipgloss, compact, oil blotting papers

I don't have a huge diaper bag either. However, I do love it. After lots and lots of research days before my due date, I decided to get the same one Lani has - with her approval of course - just in a different color. Insulated bottle pockets, Teflon coating, and washable are my new partners to fight off those stains and messes that are inevitable. It doesn't hurt that it's called the "Be Spicy"...sort of fitting for the two of us I suppose. I have also learned my lesson...I now have a small back up bag in the back seat of my car just in case I lose my mind and forget my diaper bag - aka my right hand man - again... ;)

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