Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ikea Musings

Ah Ikea...land of the super organized, the fairly inexpensive, and the showrooms that keep my kids entertained.  Sunday was Hunter's first trip to Ikea and it was pretty much like visiting Disneyland for him (minus the spinning teacups and giant castle...although I'm sure there could have been a mouse or two wandering around).  Sonny and I are totally on a house organizing kick and we went there with a list and a purpose.  We needed some Lack shelving for the laundry room and a Hemnes shoe cabinet for the entry.  Plus it was a way for me to be sneaky and scout out other things that I want for us to save up for!  Wooooot!

Even though we knew exactly what we wanted, I loooove walking through the showroom in the upstairs just to get ideas.  I don't think Sonny even knows that you DON'T HAVE to walk through the upstairs because I just automatically go there!  Hee hee...sneaky sneaky!  Anyway, I just love walking through to get ideas for future projects or even little design and accessorizing ideas!  I just loved this room for a future craft room.  So girly and so fun with that wallpapered accent wall.  And I REALLY enjoy that console on the back wall...plus the combo of pictures and that shelf above it!

We have this exact bed frame in our bedroom...and I was wanting to hack a headboard onto it....but this mirror gave me second thoughts!  Sonny really liked this setup, and I really enjoyed how they attached those little  reading lights to it! Kind of enjoy this purple and gray scheme going on as well!  I actually wanted to try and upholster our bed because some of the laminate has peeled off....so we'll see what happens with this!

Hunter rather enjoyed all the bed displays.  He kept climbing in and pulling the covers up and saying "Yawn....so tired!!!"  He actually says the word "yawn" instead of fake yawning...I think that's so funny.

And since we just cleaned out our garage, this storage shelving totally got my gears going!  I think this might be next month's purchase!!  Perfect for ever changing needs and spaces!  Love....

And here's Hunter....lounging in another bed.  So comfy.....

And totally getting these as an outdoor rug for the front porch.  They are carpet tiles, and I just love the geometric pattern on them!  Perhaps I can outfit the area with a nice lounger, and we're set there!!

So many things to see....and so glad that Hunter had a great time just running around!  I never realized that it's so kid friendly...the aisles are big and if you stay out of the kitchen area, there's not really anything breakable that they an get their hands on.  He was totally pooped by the end of the trip, as was Sonny.  There was a little mix up with the shoe cabinet color and he had to go back in and return it and get it again.  Sorry Son....my fault.  I'm putting the cabinet together right now (literally...took a break to write a post!) and will post my new organized entryway tomorrow!! 

1 comment:

  1. Love getting decorating ideas at Ikea! I could spend forever in there!


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