Monday, August 9, 2010

Tantrum etiquette...

So on Friday I had to make a quick run to Target.  I thought "Marshmallows, formula, fabric, out, and done. Oh let me just pack some apples for Hunter to munch on anyway."  Um...apparently bad idea?  He asked for a snack and the minute he saw the little baggie of yummy apples (which by the way he usually dives into), he totally broke down.  BROKE DOWN.  Screaming, crying, high pitched madness that makes me feel like my head is going to explode. WHAT? My child? A tantrum? Yes that's right...this was my first.  I was frozen...I didn't know what to do.  I ignored it like I read in so many "how to discipline you're child in public so people don't think that you're a mean parent or that your kid is bad" books.  Well....let me tell you what bugged me more than my toddler screaming his funny little head off (which buuuuugs me more than you know) was the looks.  Have you never heard a child cry/scream/kick/whine?  Were your children perfect angels their whole childhood?  I never got so many looks...and not looks of pity, of which I was half expecting.  Disdain, annoyance, multiple rolled eyes....and even a far from subtle nose scrunch from and old lady.  Really?  I mean....REALLY?

I have to admit....Hunter was really working it.  I won't get totally into it as it upsets me just thinking about his face.....but it was stereotypical on the ground, red faced, tears streaming, tantrum.  Uuuuggghhhh.....shudder....

But people...have pity on the mommas.  They are trying their best.  And when we are ignoring our children's's not because we want to torture you with their horrible cries.  It is far from comforting for us, too.  Trust me, I was trying to exit that store as fast as possible.  I had my card scanned before the cashier even put an item in a bag.  We ignore because that is what we are told to do; to not encourage the attention that the screaming children are attempting to achieve.  So when a child is having a tantrum....LOOK AWAY!  DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT.  The stares and the "tsks" and the "Omg, look at his face " (because yes, he was getting slightly purple) don't help.  Now YOU are giving him the attention that we are trying to avoid.  And you give the moms a half heart attack because they are about to die from embarrassment at the display of their poor parenting skills.....

I'm not a mean mom, or a perfect mom, and I'm trying to raise my kids the best I can.  So please have pity on the mommas who's kids are breaking down....because's really for no reason at all and the moms are just trying to wait out the storm.

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